Wildflowers of the Rainforest

Jet Eliot

Bromeliads, Costa Rica Rainforest Bromeliads, Costa Rica Rainforest

When you first walk the moldy-leaf paths of a rainforest, it is a chaotic wonder of tall trees, thick vines, dense growth, wet air, and a tempest of frenzied creature sounds.  Trying to find flowers in this is not easy.  But once you become accustomed to it, your senses relax.

One of the most versatile flowers on this planet, bromeliads are the natural jewels of the rainforest. In a family of over 3,100 species, this flower includes the pineapple, spanish moss, and the more typical flowering plants shown here.

Athena photographing the bromeliads Athena photographing the bromeliads

This species of bromeliad is an epiphyte, meaning it attaches its roots to another tree rather than into the earth.  They catch rain and nourishment within a whorl of their leaves, where other organisms like tree frogs also flourish.  Bromeliaceae are primarily found in the rainforests of Central and South America.  They commonly…

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About narhvalur

Environmentalist, Animal Lover, Birder,Equastrian
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4 Responses to Wildflowers of the Rainforest

  1. Jet Eliot says:

    Thanks for the re-blog Ann! 🙂

  2. narhvalur says:


  3. Pingback: Bromeliad Auction and Billbergia Amoena | small house/BIG GARDEN

  4. narhvalur says:

    Million thanks! 🙂

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